The Pulse
On Progress
Take a deep dive with me into the world of mental and physical performance.
Here you’ll find articles on concepts I’ve come across, questions I’ve been asked, and summaries of journal articles and books related to improving performance. You might even find information on other unrelated topics that I’ve done some research on and just had to share with someone.
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
Learn more about Performance in Progress
Drink More Water
Water is an essential part of our lives. We literally couldn't live without it. There are many benefits to drinking an adequate amount of water.
The Secret to Achieving Anything
You probably already know the secret, you just have to know where you're going.
The Importance of Routine
You have some sort of daily routine, whether you planned it or not. Routines didn't just provide structure to our day, they reduce our mental load and contribute to our mental health.